Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wolfgang wazart Essay Example For Students

Wolfgang wazart Essay Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg in Austria, the son ofLeopold, Kapellmeister to the Prince-Archbishop ofSalzburg. By the age of three he could play the piano, and he wascomposing by the time he was five; minuets from this periodshow remarkable understanding of form. Mozarts elder sister Maria Anna(best known as Nannerl) was also a gifted keyboardplayer, and in 1762 their father took the two prodigies on a shortperforming tour, of the courts at Vienna and Munich. Encouraged by their reception, they embarked the next year on a longertour, including two weeks at Versailles, where thechildren enchanted Louis XV. In 1764 they arrived in London. HereMozart wrote his first three symphonies, under theinfluence of Johann Christian Bach, youngest son of Johann Sebastian, wholived in the city. After their return to Salzburg therefollowed three trips to Italy between 1769 and 1773. In Rome Mozartheard a performance of Allegris Misere; the score ofthis work was closely guarded, but Mozart managed to transcribe the musicalmost perfectly from memory. On Mozarts firstvisit to Milan, his opera Mitridate, r di Ponto was successfully produced,followed on a subsequent visit by Lucia Silla. Thelatter showed signs of the rich, full orchestration that characterizes his laterA trip to Vienna in 1773 failed to produce the court appointment that bothMozart and his father wished for him, but didintroduce Mozart to the influence of Haydn, whose Sturm und Drang stringqu artets (Opus 20) had recently been published. We will write a custom essay on Wolfgang wazart specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The influence is clear in Mozarts six string quartets, K168-173, and in hisSymphony in G minor, K183. Another trip in searchof patronage ended less happily. Accompanied by his mother, Mozart leftSalzburg in 1777, travelling through Mannheim toParis. But in July 1778 his mother died. Nor was the trip a professionalsuccess: no longer able to pass for a prodigy, Mozartsreception there was muted and hopes of a job came nothing. Back in Salzburg Mozart worked for two years as a church organist for thenew archbishop. His employer was less kindlydisposed to the Mozart family than his predecessor had been, but thecomposer nonetheless produced some of his earliestmasterpieces. The famous Sinfonia concertante for violin, violo andorchestra was written in 1780, and the following yearMozarts first great stage work, the opera Idomeneo, was produced inMunich, where Mozart also wrote his Serenade for 13wind instruments, K361. On his return from Munich, however, the hostilitybrewing between him and the archbishop came to ahead, and Mozart resigned. On delivering his resignation he was verballyabused and eventually, physically ejected from thearchbishops residence. Without patronage, Mozart was forced to confront the perils of a freelanceexistence. Initially his efforts met with some success. He took up residence in Vienna and in 1782 his opera Die Entfhrung ausdem Serail (The abdication from the Seraglio) wasproduced in the city and rapturously received. The same year in Viennas StStephens Cathedral Mozart married ConstanzeWeber. Soon afterwards he initiated a series of subscription concerts atwhich he performed his piano concertos andimprovised at the keyboard. Most of Mozarts great piano concertos werewritten for these concerts, including those in C,K467, A, K488 and C minor, K491. In these concertos Mozart brought tothe genre a unity and diversity it had not hadbefore, combining bold symphonic richness with passages of subtleIn 1758 Mozart dedicated to Haydn the six string quartets that now bearHaydns name. Including in this group are the quartetsknown as the Hunt, which make use of hunting calls, and the Dissonance,which opens with an eerie succession of dissonantchords. Overwhelmed by their quality, Haydn confessed to LeopoldMozart, Before God and as an honest man I tell you thatyour son is the greatest composer known to me either in person or byname. The pieces are matched in excellence in Mozartschamber music output only by his String Quintets, outstanding among whichare those in C, K515, G minor, K516 and D,Also in 178

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Zodiac signs Essays

Zodiac signs Essays Zodiac signs Paper Zodiac signs Paper 1st period Zodiac signs have been around for a period of time now. The orders of the signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These signs are divided into four sections, which are Earth, water, and fire. A lot of people still wonder whether or not what they say about the zodiac signs are true or not, such as horoscopes and compatibility charts. The main concern is the affect your zodiac sign have on your personality and compatibility. Water signs are proven to be very emotional people. Water signs consist of Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. Relationships dont come easy to these people. Theyre very sensitive with there feelings all around. With that being said, its easy for them to pick up a vibe from others. These people have really strong intuition. The feelings of other people really interest them. Males of this sign are said to be the most sensitive males on the planet. People like this tend to feel sympathy for others, which means anything that has to do with helping someone, or giving someone attention, would be the perfect Job or task for them. However, although the three signs are water signs, they do have their differences. A Pisces are a very changeable person, which means one thing never satisfies them for too long. Attention span for them runs very short. Its hard to get them to stick to something, and stay with it. They thrive off of change. Now, what interest most people if anything else doesnt, is compatibility. The water signs are most compatible with earth signs. These signs would be Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. These are the signs that water signs are most likely to get along with, and can benefit from one another. The earth signs are sure to keep you on your feet. Moving along, Earth signs, which in my personal opinion, I think are the most interesting people, in fact are! These are the most intelligent, stable, open-minded, practical, and reasonable people on earth. Unlike Water signs, earth signs dont really like change too much. They like too experience routines for a long period of time. The earth signs as said earlier include, Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. These people are really sensual, and base all their thoughts off reality. This somewhat explains why these people tend to be sarcastic. These people like to plan, and make goals for themselves. By conversing with these people they can usually tell you their whole true life. Some of the most successful people in the world, such as Beyond ©, Michael Jackson, and Paul Walker, are Virgo which is an earth sign. Surprisingly, these three earth signs have many differences. A Virgo falls into the sub- category of mutable, which means they can connect with everybody, and they can easily be in charge without creating conflicts. This is because they have many different outlooks, and can easily see things from a different perspective. It is very easy for these people to bring things or people together. If theres ever a problem Virgo are the ones to call. They have such an adaptable and diverse personality. Something out of nothing. The word that is said to describe theses people is preserving. Taurus can come off as basic compared to other signs. Their main concern is achievement. Capricorn on the other hand, are the ones that like to be the center of attention. They love to run things, as long as their doing that then theyre happy. Capricorn are very outgoing people. They are considered far from shy. Of course, earlier it was said that the earth sign is most compatible with the water sign. After all they do say water feels at peace in earth (Bloodspot). You should also know that although someone is the same sign, males and females have different traits. This is common sense. Now, with all of that being said, moving on to air signs. This includes Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These people love to talk, (Nuance Belches). This clearly means that communication is one of their best traits. Air signs are very social. Your most likely to catch these people at parties, speaking at conferences, and hosting big public events. These people have some of the most vivid imaginations. This makes them very creative, and has a very artistic sensibility. Therefore, they make great designers. The difference between these signs is that the interesting Gemini ha s two sides. This means that it has the traits of another sign, as well as its own. However, like a Virgo, this sign also falls under the sub-category of being mutable. In this case they can also almost get along with any other sign. A Libra is also known to play the leader role. Labias are also well known for not wanting to be alone. One of their main focuses is actually how well they interact with others. Unlike Libra being so into people, Aquarius people focus way more on the world, and really like to express new des by their daily activities. These air signs are compatible with last but not least fire signs. According to the astrology world air feeds fire, (Bloodspot). The fire signs are Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. These signs are well known for being independent. Because theyre so focused on them, these people usually become very successful and on top. Due to their abundant focus on independence, they usually have a hard time with the closes people to them, because they lack showing them attention. These people are also very arrogant, so if you ever want to be felt sorry for, or held in arms, stay away from fire sign.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Is China a military threat to the U.S. or its Southeast Asian allies Research Paper

Is China a military threat to the U.S. or its Southeast Asian allies - Research Paper Example ly influence continues to manifest hostility towards China, with provocative stands by the Philippines and Japan with regard to ownership of Islands in the contested regions belittling China’s growing stature in global politics. The traditional differences in foreign ideologies between the two nations does not seem to be resolved soon, since national interests of the two nations fall on opposing sides. With the competition for the global arena as the next stage to exercise global politics, China and the US continually find it difficult to resolve the hardline stand due to heightened globalization setting. From the experiences of the past encounters with global politics, China will focus on chanting a different course and justify current success from acting differently. In terms of recent astronomical economic performance in China, funding military exploration and ambitious intelligence systems raises concerns against such moves. In a world experiencing a spell of minimal aggression among nations, military expansion at the scale such as that witnessed in China recently triggers memories of the infamous Arms Race. Interesting timing of these developments in China at a time when global economic performance falls below China’s rate of economic growth translates to some form of opportunistic provocationi. Estimation of China doubling military spending by 2015 is a blatant insult to efforts of US peace building around the world. As such, the US can justify the move to assist and empower the allies in the southeast Asia regionii. The account of China’s performance in terms of human rights protection in a rapidly democratized world is not only taken as an insult to the US but also to the international community. The isolation of Chinese internal affairs from the rest of the world calls for participation of the US in the global campaigns of a democratic global society further fuels the tension of a military provocation. Despite the participation of China in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Black quarterbacks in the NFL Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Black quarterbacks in the NFL - Research Paper Example B. The four different queries are: 1. Black quarterbacks in the NFL 2. Black quarterbacks currently in the NFL 3. Black quarterbacks active in the NFL 4. Black quarterbacks playing in the NFL These queries should bring up different information but with the same focus on black quarterbacks. We will see the black quarterbacks that have entered and exited the NFL, as well as their history. C. The search engines that will be used are Yahoo, Google, Bing and Dogpile, which is a meta-search engine. These search engines were chosen because they are some of the most widely used engines and should produce good results. D. As can be seen from the results, not all results from the searches are relevant to the topic. Some of the results actually go off on a tangent into something completely unrelated. The table below shows which results were relevant. E. Table 1. The first column shows the first ten hits that were received. It also shows how many times the web page was referenced when using all 4 queries. As shown in the table, the BQB site received the most hits throughout the entire search. F. The next table shows how each of the sets are ranked according to the precision formula. Table 2 Chart 1 The meta-search engine (Dogpile) provided results pulled from all of the other engines. G. There were some pages that showed up more than once no matter which query we used. The results are below. Table 3 H. Google uses a page rank system which means that the various parts of the webpage are ranked according to relevance. This then determines which page shows up in what position on the results page. Dogpile (the meta-search engine) seems to use a feed method that pulls information from other search engines based on how popular they are. Bing and Yahoo seem to use the same type of method which can be considered to be a Boolean method (CCH Incorporated, 2011). It is noticed that Yahoo and Bing both provided results where some of the words were found and then in other cases only on e word was found. Yahoo and Bing ranked their results according to how many words of the original search were found within the pages returned as results. I. One thing to notice about the results is that the meta-search engine (Dogpile) produced fewer relevant results when the search criteria were entered into the search box. This poses a question about what methods they actually use to retrieve information relevant to various searches. It was not determined that any of the search engines used the Boolean method. The only searchable information that was added was the exact phrase that was being researched and no other words such as AND, NOT, or IF were entered. J. The Kendall's tau (t) coefficient (also known as the Kendall rank correlation coefficient) is a statistic used to measure how two measured quantities are associated. Set Theory involves a non-parametric hypothesis test that makes use of the coefficient to test for statistical dependence. The Kendall's tau = \frac{(\text{num ber of concordant pairs}) - (\text{number of discordant pairs})}{\frac{1}{2} n (n-1) } K. Chart 2. Precision of 10 bar-chart L. The best search engine for this particular topic is Google. Google used a different method but their results were still relevant. We saw some of the same pages but overall Google provided something different for

Monday, November 18, 2019

Religious Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religious Summary - Essay Example The situation of famine in Canaan gave way for the men to move with their respective families towards Goshen in Egypt. The Jews within Egypt was not appropriate for the same. The Israelites became the slaves of the pharaohs and thus built the huge statues and monuments which exist even to this day. (Rousseau, 1983) The book of Exodus states that the new leader of the Jews - Moses led the people from their state of bondage within Egypt and thus the defining moment came within the Jewish tradition when God spoke to Moses and presented him the Ten Commandments which were engraved on different stone tablets. In a period of forty years, the Jews did come back to Canaan and thus drove out the present day inhabitants as well as named the city as Jerusalem, which was in essence the capital. The religion of Christianity is focused on the teachings of Jesus Christ while Islam derives its basis from Mohammad, the last messenger sent by God on earth. Christians believe Jesus Christ as the Son of God while the followers of Islam, called Muslims do not believe in God having anyone in His family, let alone anyone related to God. For the Christians, Jesus Christ has revealed the basis of God which is not different for the Muslims for whom Mohammad discovered that there was One God alone upon whom Muslims should base their thinking ideologies and beliefs. (Swidler, 2002) Christians are of the view that Jesus has ascended into heaven and he is the one who will eventually differentiate between the living and the dead whilst allowing the everlasting lives to those who follow the teachings preached by him. This is pretty true in the case of Islam where Mohammad will pave the way for the Muslims to enter heaven on the Judgment Day and will ask God to allow the followers of Islam to enter heaven and thus seek an everlasting life full of God’s bounties and splendor. Christians base their beliefs on the Holy Book

Friday, November 15, 2019

Combining Anomaly Based Ids And Signature Based Information Technology Essay

Combining Anomaly Based Ids And Signature Based Information Technology Essay Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are defined as tools or devices which are used to monitor a system or a machine or a group of users. They try to detect attacks before they take place or after attacks have occurred. IDS collect information from various points in the network to determine of the network is still secure. IDS can be divided into mainly two types: Network Based Host Based. As the name suggest the respective IDS is used for either a Network or an Individual Host. They both have their advantages and dis-advantages and hence are sometimes combined together to provide extra security (Innella, 2001). Working of an IDS An IDS basically can work in two ways:- 1. Anomaly Based 2. Signature Based Anomaly Based IDS (A-IDS) A-IDS can be defined as a system which monitor the activities in a system or network and raise alarms if anything anomalous i.e. other than normal behavior is detected. In any organization profiles are created for all users, wherein each user is given some rights to access some data or hardware. These rules and rights are fed to the A-IDS. If a user is using the computer in a time other than the one allotted to him, the A-IDS raises an alert (Carter, 2002). Carter (2002) GarcÄ ±Ã‚ ´a-Teodoro (2009) have also listed some advantages and dis-advantages of A-IDS. The Advantages are as below:- 1. Inside the network attacks are easily detected by A-IDS. 2. Any user actually abusing his privileges and accessing any other information is easily caught by A-IDS. 3. Zero day attacks can be detected by A-IDS. The Dis-Advantages are:- 1. Appropriate Training is required before it is set up in any environment. 2. It is very difficult to train the IDS in a Normal environment as a Normal Environment is very hard to get. 3. It generates false positives. 4. If the suspicious activity is similar to the normal activity it will not be detected. Signature Based IDS (S-IDS): This type of IDS is also referred as Misuse Detection IDS. It works on the basis of signatures. Each time an attacker attacks a system, he/she tends to leave some footprints of that attack. Footprints can be failed attack logs, failed logins, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ These are stored as signatures for IDS. It uses a knowledge base, which is a database which stores the previous details of attacks. Whenever it encounters something it matches it with the records in the knowledge base and if a signature matches it raises an alarm (Baumrucker, 2003). Carter(2002) has listed some advantages and dis-advantages to these signature based IDS. Advantages. 1. It can exactly determine the type of attack. 2. It does not produce false positives. 3. It provides an interface which is also easy for a normal user to monitor. Dis-Advantages:- 1. We need to update the knowledge with each and every possible type of attack signature. 2. It is necessary to update the database daily. 3. It cannot detect Zero Day Attacks. 4. An Attack in a database, if they are slightly modified then it is difficult to detect. Hybrid IDS. Goeldenitz (2002) in his paper has written Hybrid IDS seems to be a logical approach for IDS as one IDS can cover the dis-advantages of another type of IDS. It would be achieved by using various IDS together and then can be placed at various points in the networks like gateways, server links, and various junctions. He also explains that this Hybrid IDS is basically installed on a host like a HIDS, but acts like a NIDS. Depran et al (2005) have proposed a Hybrid IDS, which is using KDD 99 dataset. KDD 99 Dataset is a database which is used by researchers for IDS. The model proposed by them for the IDS is below:- This model shows it is integrated with both The Anomaly Detection Module and the Signature (Misuse) Detection Module. It also includes a Decision Support System which will receive input from both the Detection Module and then will decide what to do next. Working Rule: The Rule states if an Attack is detected by any one or both the Detection Systems, then it is termed as an attack. It is termed as Classified Attack if either Signature Based IDS or both have detected the Attack. It is termed as Unclassified Attack if only Anomaly Based IDS has detected the attack. Snort is a IDS which works on Signature Detection. It works on rules, which in turn are based on the signatures usually written by Intruders. (Rehman, 2003). (Aydin et al, 2009) have explained the pre-processor architecture of Snort and the way they have modified snort to reduce the number of false positives. They have used statistical methods such as PHAD NETAD for implementing their anomaly based IDS. The main reasons for choosing PHAD is that rather than modelling behaviour, it models protocols. Also it uses a time-based model for the rapid changes in the network. If a series of same anomaly occur then PHAD flags off only the first anomaly, thus reducing the number of false positives. They have basically combined PHAD NETAD with the pre-processor of Snort. A Pre-processor is an engine which has the ability to read inside the packets and alert based on the content. A Pre-processor can also modify the content of a packet. This was achieved by Aydin et al (2009) by copying just two files spp_phad.c spp_netad.cpp to the folder where snort.c lies, some code written and then the project was compiled to obtain a modified Snort as a Hybrid IDS. This snort was tried in various environments and Fig 3. is one of the graph showing the number of attacks detected by Snort + PHAD + NETAD on a daily basis. DARPA data sets were used to test this Hybrid Snort. It is also clear from the graph that the number of attacks detected by snort alone is way lower than the number of attacks detected by the Hybrid Snort. Hence (Aydin et al) also conclude that combining PHAD NETAD which are Anomaly Based IDS and Siganture Based IDS has more positive results and has contributed successfully. Future Work Depren et al (2005) have proposed that different ways can be proposed to implement Anomalous Based IDS and Signature Based IDS. They have also proposed that for AIDS, it would be better to classify the attack based on the network services and then write better rules for analyzing them with less attributes. Also Endorf et al (2003) have written in their book, target detection which has proved to be one of the best reliable and robust methods for Intrusion Detection. They also say that attackers although may be able to evade a signature based IDS, but they cannot bypass target detection which uses strong cryptographic algorithms and uses strong authentication to access the target functions. Commercial tools such as Tripwire, Intruder Alert, ForixNT, etc,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are used by big companies, but are not so widely used by small companies due to price limitations. There are also chances that some Operating Systems might incorporate tools like these so one doesnt have to depend on ext ernal tools.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Electric Cars, Past and Present Essay -- Electric Vehicles Green Envir

One of the main components of an electric vehicle (EV) is the controller. The controller takes power from the batteries and delivers it to the motor. To do this the accelerator pedal is hooked up to a pair of potentiometers, which provide the signal which tells the controller how much power it needs to deliver. For safety there are two potentiometers, the controller reads both potentiometers to make sure that their signal are the same, if the signals are not equal then the controller will not operate. For a car with a 300V battery the controller takes that DC voltage from the battery and converts it into a maximum of 240 volts AC to sent to the motor. This is done by using large transistors to quickly turn the batteries voltage on and off creating a sine waves. There are two types of controllers, DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current). A DC controller, in all simplicity, is basically just a big on/off switch that is wired into the accelerator pedal. When the pedal is pushed in, the switch is on, and when the pedal is not pushed in the switch is off. So while you are driving you need to push and release the accelerator to pulse the motor on and off to maintain a constant speed. While this would work who can imagine actually driving like that so the controller does this pulsing for you. The controller reads the setting of the accelerator from the potentiometers and regulates the power as needed. For example, if the accelerator is pushed 50% of the way down, the controller would rapidly switch the power to the motor on and off so that it is on half of the time and off half of the time. Likewise, if the pedal is pushed 75% down the controller pulses the power so that if is on 75% of the time and off 25% of the time. .. ...e jeeps had a top speed of 50 mph and a range of 40 miles at a speed of 40 mph. Heating and defrosting were accomplished with a gas heater and the recharge time was 10 hours. The Present Several legislative and regulatory actions in the United States and worldwide have renewed electric vehicle development efforts. Primary among these is the U.S. 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment, the U.S. 1992 Energy Policy Act, and regulations issued by the California Air Resources Board (CRAB). In addition to more stringent air emissions requirements and regulations requiring reductions in gasoline use, several states have issued Zero Emission Vehicle requirements. Electric conversions of gasoline powered vehicles, as well as electric vehicles designed from the ground up, are now available that reach super highway speeds with ranges of 50 to 150 miles between recharging.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Argumentation Essay: Facebook Essay

Argumentation Essay: Facebook When a possible employee is in the process of being hired, his or her employment should be based on a social media network such as, Facebook. The main points for this position consists of professional versus social, freedom of speech versus censorship, and a person’s true identity behind closed doors. Facebook is one of various other social networks that are not confidential. Anyone can view a user’s profile and see all of their updates. People use Facebook from sending invitations to guests to campaigning a company party. Facebook is a major part of advertising now. Another large part of Facebook is posting photos. A user of Facebook can add as many photos to their profile as they want to. Facebook has made an immense impact on modern society. All ages, including some of the elderly have Facebook accounts. Small businesses and growing corporations also take part in having an account. Also, colleges and universities sometimes use Facebook to communicate with their students about upcoming events. Employers use several methods before hiring an eligible employee. An employer is looking for someone that is polished inside and out of the professional world. They have every right to look at employee’s Facebook profile. Nothing inappropriate should be posted on an employee’s Facebook profile. Everyone is aware that Facebook is not a private social media website. Posting a status or photo online can be seen by anyone, even an employer. An employer has every right to look through the person’s information. Facebook can be a downfall for numerous opportunities. Although we all have freedom of speech, it can be taken lightly with consequences. Employees can be fired by some of their actions on Facebook. Another consequence is someone not being hired due to their Facebook profile. If an employer does not like the material, they have every right to deny your employment. Especially in this modern society, employers and businesses are looking for the top quality for their company. Top quality employees differentiate from others. They do not retain inappropriate photos or words on a public social media network site. Employers look for people who will represent their business in a classy manner even outside of the business doors. Reputation is everything to some companies. They want their company reputation as high as it can be. A good reputation starts with good employees. An employer has every right to see how a person is in their social environment. A person’s personality and  personal actions cannot be judged just through the professional world. You can tell a person’s true personal traits in their comfortabl e social environment. Facebook is the perfect gateway to see how a person’s characteristics are different in the professional versus the social environment. Not everyone realizes that somebody is always watching you. Whether it is a family member, a close friend, or an employer looking to see if you are eligible for the position. Every individual should be held accountable for what they post on Facebook. Professional conduct should be shown at all times when something is posted on a public website. Keeping a professional conduct is very important to many employers. Some individuals would make a point that everyone has a right to have freedom of speech. Those who agree, feel that it is okay to put inappropriate material on their Facebook page due to their right to free speech. Freedom of speech is a constitutional right. Many people take the right out of context. Those who disagree, feel that censorship should be analyzed. Yes, every individual has a right to speak freely but, is it right to offend someone while practicing it? The answer is no. An individual could simply say they hate their boss on Facebook. All it takes is for that boss, or another employee to see the post. The employee could encounter disciplinary actions in their workplace or even lose their job. All this could be avoided if censorship was practiced. Also, some would say that an employer looking into an applicantâ €™s Facebook would cross the line between social and professional boundaries. Those who agree would point out that applicants should not be judged on their Facebook page. Looking through an applicant’s page is unprofessional and crosses the line. Those who disagree would make the point that it is a professional choice for the employer to do. The employer knows nothing about the applicant other than what they have stated on their resume. An applicant could lie about his or her age, obligations, or even the county they live in. It is only natural to do a check up on the applicant to make sure they look eligible for the position. Think of Facebook as a back ground check. Mostly every employee has to have a back ground check of them before getting a certain position. Facebook is very similar to a back ground check. It indicates a more interpersonal and social side of the person’s life. If an applicant desires a first-class job, they should always take what they put on Facebook in consideration. Although everyone has the freedom to speak  their mind, they need to practice censorship on a social media network site. Also, being professional on Facebook could increase your chances of getting hired. Anyone, especially a future boss could look at any account and choose to accept or decline an applicant’s position

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Write a WINNING Resume - FREE on Amazon October 18-22!

How to Write a WINNING Resume - FREE on Amazon October 18-22! Im happy to announce that for FIVE days beginning October 18, 2013, my new e-book, How to Write a WINNING Resume 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target, will be available for FREE on Amazon Kindle! This e-book takes you through the entire resume writing process, from concept and preparation through formatting and special issues you might face. Heres a sample of one of the 50 tips included in the book. Download the book for FREE on Amazon, October 18th through 22nd, to get the remaining 49! Consider Including a Chart, Graph or Testimonial If you are in sales or you are an executive, you might choose to create a chart or graph as a pictorial representation of your accomplishments. If you’re a receptionist or a nursery school teacher, a graph would be overkill. Here are some samples of a graph or chart included in a resume: Only use a graph if appropriate for the position to which you’re applying. In Career Directors International’s survey Global Hiring Trends 2012, 33% of respondents reported that they still have not received a resume with a chart or a graph. 24% of those who had seen charts and graphs found them helpful or very helpful, while 22% found them distracting. These results are rather inconclusive but indicate that if you work in a conservative industry (such as insurance or finance) it might be best to stick to the tried and true bullet format; in more innovative industries, or for marketing and sales positions, charts and graphs are a great fresh approach. For someone climbing the ladder within the same company, charts and graphs might also be very effective. When in doubt, keep it simple! Testimonials You might not particularly like tooting your own horn, and frankly, some things are much more credible when said by people other than yourself. If you have received recommendations on LinkedIn ®, positive feedback in evaluations, or testimonials in any form, consider putting them on your resume! Here’s what a testimonial might look like:    The use of testimonials is becoming more and more common on resumes. In Global Hiring Trends 2012, 29% of those surveyed said a testimonial would influence their decision positively. So take advantage of this trend and let your potential employer know what past employers (or professors if you are a new graduate) have to say about you! You may place the testimonial in the top third of the resume, near the relevant position, or anywhere that makes sense and is visually appealing. ********** Was this article helpful? You can find more tips like this (49 more to be exact!) in my new do-it-yourself resume writing e-book titled How to Write a WINNING Resume 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target. And specifically for executives, Ive authored a second version just for you called How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target. ** From October 18th through 22nd, get your copy of How to Write a WINNING Resume absolutely FREE on Amazon! Or purchase How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume for just $9.97.**   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Remember: When you send me a link to your Amazon review, your name will be entered into a bi-annual drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card! You will also be entered into my monthly drawing to win Mary Elizabeth Bradfords Job Search Success System (winner of a 2011 CDI Career Innovator Award and a $97 value check it out here). Click the images above to check out the reviews, purchase, or write a review of your own for a chance to win! Category:Archived ArticlesBy Brenda BernsteinOctober 15, 2013 2 Comments Scott says: October 15, 2013 at 7:16 am Which book would you recommend if you were in a creative field like professional writing or graphic design and why. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: October 15, 2013 at 8:50 am I would recommend How to Write a WINNING Resume and I would also recommend using your design skills if you are in graphic design! Log in to Reply

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essays

Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essays Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essay Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essay Now yearss, the composite and cosmopolitan job of kid labour have become a rough world pulling world-wide attending. The prevalence of child labor is economically unsound, psychologically black and physically every bit good as morally unsafe. No uncertainty, labor is worship but child labor in unsafe and a smudge on the scruples of society. It is a sad matter that child labor is deprived of his vernal life, instruction and therefore chances of higher degree of life. Child labour perpetuates poorness, it does non cut down it as it condemns one coevals after another to its barbarous circle. Child labour injuries the advancement and prosperity of a state. Throwing visible radiation on this fact, John has justly said, Starve a kid of nutrient, of fondness, of freedom, of instruction and you produce an grownup who is stunted as an single and holds back advancement and development instead than speed up it . Our state is besides confronting this critical job of kid labour. A broad fluctuation is seen in the appraisal of child labour in state. Harmonizing to 1971, 1981 and 1991 nose count of India, the figure of working kids accounted for 10.74 million, 13.60 million and 11.28 million severally. The ORG has estimated that the figure of child labour is closer to 44 million. Harmonizing to U.N. , 55 % of the work force in India is made up of child labour. It is usually seen that employers do non ever supply accurate informations on kid labour in order to safeguard themselves from legal fusss. It was pointed out in the World Conference on Children that the figure of child labour in the universe is about 25 crore, out of which the maximal figure about 10 crore is found in India entirely. It is estimated that about 7.5 crore are engaged in rural countries while staying 2.5 crore are employed in urban countries. Alarmed at this critical job, ILO has besides estimated that India entirely account s for one 4th of entire child labour of the universe. Childlabor is rampant across the state. Children can be seen working in agricultural Fieldss, rug and durri industries, biri, handcraft, lucifer box, glass and bracelet industries, in eating houses and as domestic retainers. It is estimated that 30 per cent of child labour is engaged in agribusiness and allied activities, 30 to 35 per centum in industries and staying are engaged in excavation, tea gardens and hotels etc. These businesss are risky, doing terrible physical harm to them and therefore suppressing their mental, moral and societal development. These child labourers become prey to many fatal diseases, like T.B. , Cancer, Asthma, lungs and tegument related diseases. The sad predicament of child labour is depicted by Sudha and Tiwari in these words, It is truly sad to observe that kids in most of the development states are populating suffering, depressing lives, laboring unendlessly to guard off famishment, wholly deprived of all amenitiess and chances for self growing and d evelopment. Poverty, unemployment, traditional attitude, marginalisation of farms, urbanisation, deficiency of schools, reluctance of parents to direct their kids to schools are the factors responsible for the job of kid labor. In fact, poorness is seen as the major factor responsible for this job. Poor parents barely have clip for their kids because they are all the clip fighting for staff of life and butter. They are non in a place to carry through their duties towards kids. In world, the kids are supposed to be the excess earning custodies, instead than excess oral cavities to feed. Children are made to work at a really immature age. Stressing this factor, the study of the Committee on Child Labor commented, Stronger than tradition is the factor of chronic poorness responsible for the prevalence and prolongation of kid labour . In hapless households, the kid, since his really appearance in this universe, is endowed with an economic mission.The kid is compelled to cast perspiration of forehead to maintain the wolf off from the door . Large sized households are besides held responsible for this job. Again, most of the workers are engaged in non organized sector. The insufficiency of rewards in this sector compels these workers to direct their kids on work to supplement their income. Availability of child labour at lower rewards besides motivates the employers to use them. The employment of the kid labour non merely reduces the cost of production but besides provides entree to that labour which is unresisting and unorganised. As a consequence of this tendency, the rewards of other grownup workers decline, big unemployment additions and that paves manner for the poorness. Nurse s barbarous circle of poorness explains the phenomenon of kid labour clearly. Therefore, child labour is an development of kid by the vested involvements. On the one side, there is irresistible impulse of hapless parents and on the other side ; the unresponsive attitude of specific industries is besides responsible for this job. The state of affairs of kid labourers in India is despairing. Children work for eight hours at a stretch with merely a little interruption for repasts. The repasts are besides economical and the kids are sick nourished. Most of the migratory kids, who can non travel place, sleep at their work topographic point, which is really bad for their wellness and development. Seventy five per centum of Indian population still resides in rural countries and are really hapless. Children in rural households who are ailing with poorness perceive their kids as an income bring forthing resource to supplement the household income. Parents sacrifice their kids s instruction to carry through the basic demands of their younger siblings and see them as pay earners for the full household. Irrelevance of instruction in practical life is besides considered an of import factor for this job. It is justly pointed out, A secondary ground for kid labour is that many kids choose to work because neither they nor their poorness afflicted households see the point of geting an instruction which has small relevancy to their lives and which furthermore does non vouch them a occupation. They prepare to undergo some sort of apprenticeship so that they can larn a accomplishment and gain money at the same clip . These kids are deprived of their childhood. The chances of acquiring good instruction and good occupations become a distant dream for them. Therefore, the parents, society a nd the province are responsible for this condemnable unfairness with the hereafter citizens. Childs are flowers of our national garden they should be nurtured with love and fondness so that ; they grow into responsible and antiphonal citizens. Child labor has of import demographic and social-economic deductions for developing states like India. Many commissariats have been made in the fundamental law of the state to advance the public assistance and development of kids. Under Article 29 of the fundamental law, no kid below the age of 14 can be deployed in any risky work. Article 23 prohibits forced labor. The chapter IV of theIndian fundamental law references specific waies related to the public assistance of kids. In Article 39, it is made obligatory for the provinces to explicate constabularies in such a manner so that the healthy development of kids can be ensured. To safeguard the involvements of these deprived kids, assorted Torahs have been enacted in the state. Many statute laws have been passed to forestall the employment of kids in risky businesss and to better their on the job conditions. Many policies have besides been formulated for the healthy and balanced development of kids. In the same manner, there are of import statute laws which provide legal protection to child labor in India. Some of them are following: 1. Child ( Pledging of labor ) . Act ( Government of India, 1933 ) 2. The Employment of Children Act ( Government of India, 1938 ) 3. The Minimum rewards Act, 1948 4. The mills Act, 1948 5. The Plantation Labour Act, 1951 6. The Mines Act, 1952 7. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 8. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 9. The Apprentices Act, 1961 10. The Bedi and Cigar Workers Act, 1966 11. State Shops and Establishment Acts, 12. Harmonizing to the National Policy for kids, 1974, no kid under 14 old ages can be engaged in any risky business. It is besides laid down in the policy that kids should be protected against disregard, inhuman treatment and development. Again, the Child Labour ( Prohibition and Regulation ) Act was initialed in 1986 to censor kids s employment in 70 risky businesss. National Child Labour Project ( NCLP ) was besides launched by Labour Ministry in 1988 to rehabilitate working kids. In Oct, 2006, the Government has passed statute law to censor the employment of kids below 14 old ages in eating houses, hotels, tea-stalls, restaurants and as domestic labourers. India has besides become a signer to assorted international declarations and understandings to modulate the threat of child labor. So, it has become obligatory for the state to set about the steps to extinguish the flagellum of kid labor which has assumed serious proportions in recent old ages. Many policies have been formulated for the healthy and balanced development of kids. The Government has launched Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mid Day Meal Scheme, Education Guarantee programme etc to convey the kid labor under the umbrella of instruction. Non Governmental Organizations were besides permitted to open residential schools for these kids to convey them back to the mainstream of the society. Residential and particular schools have besides been setup for the instruction of child labour. In 2006 the Government has introduced Integrated Child Development services aimed at supplying a bundle of services dwelling of auxiliary nutrition, immunisation, wellness look into up and instruction and non-formal instruction. In malice of acceptance and execution of assorted policies, Torahs and programmes by the authorities straight or indirectly, the job of kid labour is still gazing at us. Due to ignorance, illiteracy and economic irresistible impulses of the hapless households, these Torahs are evaded at different topographic points at different points of clip. Weak enforcement machinery, small information related to child labour Torahs and curious socio-economic conditions are besides the factors responsible for the turning away of Torahs related to kids. To look into the job of kid labor, it is indispensable to eliminate the threat of poorness by bettering agribusiness sector, supplying employment to unemployed custodies at minimal rewards, set uping agro-processing units in rural countries. Rigorous steps should besides be taken to do employment coevals and poorness obliteration programs effectual and successful and corruptness free. In the same manner, population control steps and other medical installations must be provided to the hapless subdivision of the state. Adequate school installations, proviso of dark schools, betterment in school environment and course of study of instruction can besides lend a batch in work outing this critical job. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights ( NCPCR ) should besides guarantee that reclaimed kid laborers do non return to work. So every attempt must be made for the repatriation of rescued kid laborers to their native topographic points. Poverty, unemployment and illiteracy are the premier grounds responsible for this job. So attempts must be made to eliminate these causes. Monetary inducements and income bring forthing assets must be provided to hapless households so that they are non compelled to direct their kids to work. It is indispensable to counterbalance the households of those kids who are being withdrawn from work force. A strong socio-political environment must be achieved with the active cooperation of people, society, and non authorities organisation. NGOs must actuate the parents to supply instruction, wellness attention and accomplishment development installations to their kids. Particular schools may be set up for the kid labour so they can get minimal makings. In the same manner, specific schemes must be evolved maintaining in head the nature of work in which the kid is presently engaged. Therefore, a joint attempt of authorities, NGOs and society is required to work out this critical job. We should seek to strike at the root cause of this critical job. Attempts should be made to alter the attitude and mentality of the people towards their kids. We should neer bury that today s kids are tomorrow s citizen. If this critical job is non tackled desperately, we can good conceive of the hereafter of our state in the yearss to come. 1

Monday, November 4, 2019

Information Security Risk Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information Security Risk Management - Case Study Example Organization face internal as well as external actor, which create uncertainty for organizations in achieving the objectives. Hall (2010) called that the risk management was a hybrid function that had bridged the number of disciplines to reduce or avoid loss for organizations. Proactive activities are attempted to mitigate or prevent loss in the organizations. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al., (2011) used the compromise ranking (VIKOR) and fuzzy entropy techniques in engineering, procurement and construction projects. Separate techniques for risk identification and risk prioritization are used. Qualitative assessment helps the management to prioritize the risks identified by calculating their impacts and impacts. Except these techniques, Monte Carlo method is most significantly used for risk identification. This method is based on probability and their impacts. Monte Carlo method shows the correlation between the identified variables for a project. Identification of vulnerabilities and threats through risk assessment helps in determining the impacts of each risk. However, risk assessment becomes a complex undertaking when imperfect information is provided. Value assignment to information system business processes including the costs, recovery and their impacts can be measured in indirect and direct costs. Exposure of sensitive information about a specific business area of the organization has wide consequences and impacts the reputation or regard of the organization. Attacker can falsify the information, which is important for future decisions. Both qualitative and quantitative risk assessment technique can be used (Carroll, 2009). Risk identification requires the risk treatment. Risk treatment is a range of options used for risk evaluation and plan preparation for risk treatment. Planning the risk treatment also requires plans’ implementation. In an organization, when risk about information security

Friday, November 1, 2019

Art Originality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art Originality - Essay Example I view the program as a catalyst to better myself and to enjoy the boundless regions of art itself. I really find the lessons motivating. Here, we are constantly encouraged to draw anything that we wanted. The course made me relish the freedom of the art world. There are times when we are asked to draw something at home to be presented before the class the next day. I believe that the intention is to gain inspiration and creativity in an ambience beyond the class' art studio atmosphere. There would always be time allotted to talk about recent news and various issues such as the nuclear test in North Korea to Nicole Ritchie's eating disorder. I guess such discussions are substantial in improving our skills because it nurtures self-expression and consciousness. One time we had to bring four pictures which we perceive to be of good art, of bad art, of a beautiful looking person, and of an ugly looking person. I chose Frida Kahlo's works as good art because her works exude a great sense of style in contrast with the bad art of Damien Hirst who is identified with his eccentric exploitation of animals in his works. I also brought the photographs of Nicole Kidman and Michael Jackson and explained that the former is a picture of beauty and the latter is a display of ugliness and distortion caused by excessive plastic surgery. After those discussions we would talk about our own works.